Meet the Transdev Blazefield team who are set to take part in the 2024 edition of the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge.

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(Photo credit: 2022 Skills Challenge)

As we build up to the IRTE Bus & Coach Skills Challenge now is ample time to hear from some of the Transdev Blazefield team who will be competing next week.

Andrew Fleming  - Apprentice

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I like it when the pressure is on me – I think it brings out the best in me. If I come to work in the morning and there’s just a few minor jobs

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I’ve always been interested in science, and fascinated by the way things work, so I jumped at the chance to add to the knowledge I have by training for a Level 3 NVQ in mechanical and electrical engineering. I’m sure taking part in the Skills Challenge will be great experience for me and it can only be beneficial on my road to becoming a fully qualified mech-elec engineer.

Jonathan Ruston - Engineer

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I like challenges, and I’m keen to progress. I have many years’ experience in the motor industry, moving into PCV engineering from my former role as a master technician for Mazda and Vauxhall with experience on other makes of car. I joined Transdev at the Harrogate depot and when I came to Idle, I took on responsibility for setting up and running a small engineering workshop, managing compliance and contractor relationships, while reducing vehicle down time and ensuring fleet availability for service. As a result I am known as something of a jack of all trades having worked on every aspect of PCV vehicle maintenance and repair. I enjoy working on my own as well as in a team, and my dedication to making sure our buses are safe and in service has earned me the nickname ‘The Machine’. The IRTE Skills Challenge will push me out of my comfort zone but for me, that’s exactly where I want to be. 

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Very relevant, even if its not a win, it's still a great area to be seen to have participated in. 

Mason Beanland - Bodybuilding Engineer

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
To further my skills - it’s an opportunity to learn from others taking part, and with new vehicle types coming along, we never stop learning. I came to the bus industry having served my time with a car body repairer, including welding, filling, sanding and paintwork so I have a variety of skills of my own as well. 

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
I think what I see, hear and do while taking part in the challenge will help – seeing how others do things is always a good way to learn.

Matthew Paul James Glass - Apprentice Fitter

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I’m in the final year of my three year apprenticeship in mechanical and electrical engineering, I grew up in a Lancashire engineering family - my dad was a mechanic and I was always messing with cars! This will be a chance to show what I’ve learned at college and in the workshop at our Intack depot in Blackburn.

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Taking part will give me a valuable insight into how others work beyond our company’s workshops. I’ve spent time with our electricians, bodywork fitters and mechanics to learn every aspect of our maintenance and repair regime, so it’s a good time to find out how others in the world outside do a similar job.

Tim Bowman - Engineering Supervisor 

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
To promote an overall drive to keep standards high across our business. I’m engineering supervisor at our newest depot here in York and I’m reasonably confident that I can do this.

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
Being recognised for the skills and experience we have is always going to be a plus point – if we can progress in this challenge it’ll be good for us as individuals, and also for the wider company.


Zachary Loker - Engineering Supervisor

What motivated you to participate in this year’s Skills Challenge?
I think it’ll be interesting to see how different engineering people from other companies approach the same tasks – we all have our own ways. It’s something new for me and the company, and I’m hoping to do well.

How relevant do you think this competition is towards your larger career or personal objective?  
The experience of doing this is always going to be a positive – and if we do win it’ll be a plus for the team here. For now, I’m just thinking about how to make sure I’m as prepared as I can be.