The National Engineering Policy Centre released a call to the government for a radical governmental approach to decarbonise the GB electricity system and provide clean power by 2030.


A "radical governmental approach is needed to decarbonise the GB electricity system and provide clean power by 2030," according to the National Engineering Policy Centre (NEPC). In their recent report, "Rapid Decarbonisation of the GB Electricity System," the NEPC outlines six key elements essential to the government’s delivery plan, which should be central to the government's Industrial Strategy:

  • Building strong support for the vision, to form the basis of an enduring agreement with both the public and industry and help them to embrace the coming changes; 
  • Strong central leadership and governance with engineering at the forefront, accountable to the Prime Minister;
  • A digitally enabled system that allows the public to engage with the system more flexibly, benefiting grid operation and saving consumers and government money; 
  • A front-foot approach to procurement and regulation to ensure the UK can get ahead in the global race to decarbonise electricity;
  • Tackle difficult decisions on planning, consenting and connection delays while building public support; 
  • Retain a long-term view to ensure that the intense focus on delivery towards 2030 does not delay near-term actions needed to unlock the best options for post-2030.

The report emphasises the need for a sharp increase in offshore wind capacity, completion of the existing transmission network, and expansion of onshore wind and solar generation.

Professor Sir Jim McDonald, President of the Royal Academy of Engineering, said: “There is no time to waste in delivering progress towards this crucial aspect of a net zero energy system. Decarbonising electricity production, transmission and utilisation under an accelerated timeline, will not only provide societal benefits through an energy system that is less vulnerable to global disruption but will also create an economic and competitive opportunity for the UK to lead on the infrastructure, technology and engineering skills that will shape the future.”

Key Recommendations for 2030 and Beyond.

Beyond 2030, the report highlights actions required before 2035 to further develop the future energy system. These include:

  • Progressing hydrogen storage and transmission.
  • Expanding carbon capture and storage projects, including CO2 transport and storage.
  • Investing significantly in the distribution network to support further electrification of heat and transport.
  • Further expanding generation, including nuclear and potentially tidal energy.
  • Developing a national engineering and technology workforce strategy to address skills deficits, to add 200,000 engineers and technicians in the energy sector by 2030.

The report urges the development of a national workforce strategy to address these skill deficits. Dame Dervilla Mitchell, Director, Arup Group, goes on to say “Transforming the UK’s electricity grid to provide 100% clean power will require strong leadership in both engineering and in government, working together towards this critical mission.”

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